Mountaineer Half Runner Bean Seeds
Mountaineer Half Runner Pole Beans BN55-50
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Mountaineer Half Runner Bean Seeds

Loyalty Points: 55
SKU BN55-50
$3.00 $2.75
Availability: In Stock
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Planting Instructions
Growing Calendar
Customer Reviews
56 days. Phaseolus vulgaris. Open Pollinated. Mountaineer Half Runner Beans. This short pole plant produces high yields of delicious 4” long by ½” wide medium-light green beans. Beans are very flavorful and are used like green beans and dried beans. Vines are very short and do not require staking. Good freezing and canning variety. An excellent choice for home gardens. An heirloom variety from West Virginia. United States Department of Agriculture, PI 549685. Disease Resistant: BCMV.

Lot No: 20418

Germination: 85%

Test Date: 05/24

Seeds Per Pound: 1,600

Plant Height: 18 to 36” non-climbing runners

Planting Season: Spring

Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun

Planting Method: Direct Sow

Pole Bean Seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris

Seed DepthSoil Temp. for GerminationDays to GerminationSunlight RequirementsPlanting Time
1 to 1 1/2"above 65 F 5 to 8 daysFull Sun Spring
USDA Hardiness ZoneSeed SpacingRow SpacingSpace After ThinningDays to Harvest
N/A 4 to 6"12 to 36" 4 to 6"50 - 75 days

Pole Bean Seed Planting Information:

Pole beans are great for small gardens where you have limited space. Pole beans have higher yields than bush beans, but require some type of support. They come in a number of colors, including green, purple, and yellow pods. Plant your pole beans in early summer when the danger of frost is over. Plant seeds outdoors directly in the garden. Pole beans require a richer soil than other beans. Plant in 2 to 3 weeks intervals for a steady harvest until about 3 months before first killing frost in the fall. Plants can grow 3 to 10" tall.

Warning: Do not plant in cold wet soil or you may experience poor germination!

Soil Requirements:

Requires rich fertile soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant.

Water Requirements:

Beans do not like soil that is too moist. Water during dry and hot spells.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Use RootBlast, Vegetable Alive, and Slow Release Fertilizer when transplanting outdoors. Periodically apply Miracle Gro.

Harvest Tips:

Pinch or cut the pods off carefully to avoid damaging the plant. Pick every few days for tender beans. Frequent harvesting also encourages plant to produce more pods.

Beans (Runner)
Growing Calendar
Minimum Outdoor Soil Temperature: above 70 F
Start Indoors Transplant Start Outdoors Start Indoors Fall Transplant Fall Start Outdoors Fall Multiple Crops
Seed Depth: 1 to 1 ½“

Days to Germination: 8 to 16 days

Plant Spacing: 4 to 8”

Row Spacing: 12 to 24”

Sunlight Requirement: Full sun

Days to Harvest after Planting Outdoors: 50 to 80 days

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 to 10

Use Miracle-Gro© Seed Starting Mix for best germination results.

Customer Reviews

Average Rating

by on July 8, 2009

These beans are very easy to grow and mature quickly. They have good flavor and have high yeilds. Whoever said these beans would not grow tall were sadly mistaken. I knew these would grow fairly tall from past experience. I used 10 ft poles and they grew beyond that. To expedite germination, freeze the beans for about 3 weeks prior to planting, then put them in the fridge for another week and set them out the night before planting. When planting the seeds use fertile loose soil that drains quickly and DO NOT PLANT REAL DEEP, I NEVER PLANT MORE THAN 1/4" DEEP. Grass clippings work best to prevent weeds.

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