Papaver somniferum. Annual. Open Pollinated. Breadseed Poppy. The plant produces excellent yields of poppy seeds. The seeds are used on bread, cakes, and bagels. In Middle Eastern delicacies, such as halva. The seeds also yield good quality oil used in salads and to make soap, ointments, and paints. It has opium, morphine, and codeine, a source of to control pain, coughs, and diarrhea. An excellent choice for home gardens. A variety from the USA.
Seeds Per Pound: 1,266,000
Sunlight: Partial Shade/Full Sun
Planting Instructions: Sprinkle seeds on the soil.
Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil. Moist soil preferred.
Germination: 12-21 days at 68°F