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72 days. Phaseolus vulgaris. Open Pollinated. Snowcap Bean. The plant produces good yields of large white beans with maroon stripes and spots. This heirloom runner is the largest of all the dried beans! Excellent for bean soup. An excellent choice for home gardens. A variety from the USA.
Lot No: 101631
Germination: 85%
Test Date: 02/2025
Seeds Per Pound: 1,600
Plant Height: 5 to 6 ft vines
Planting Season: Spring
Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun
Planting Method: Direct Sow
Pole Bean Seed Planting Information:
Pole beans are great for small gardens where you have limited space. Pole beans have higher yields than bush beans but require some support. They come in several colors, including green, purple, and yellow pods. Plant your pole beans in early summer when the danger of frost is over. Plant seeds outdoors directly in the garden. Pole beans require richer soil than other types of beans. Plant in 2 to 3 weeks intervals for a steady harvest until about 3 months before the first killing frost in the fall. Plants can grow 3 to 10" tall.
Warning: Do not plant in cold wet soil or you may experience poor germination!
Requires rich fertile soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply mulch, grass clippings, or straw around the base of the plant.
Beans do not like soil that is too moist. Water during dry and hot spells.
Use Slow Release (6 Month) Fertilizer when planting outdoors. Periodically apply Miracle Gro.
Pinch or cut the pods off carefully to avoid damaging the plant. Pick every few days for tender beans. Frequent harvesting also encourages plants to produce more pods.
Days to Harvest after Planting Outdoors: 65 to 85 days
Use Miracle-Gro© Seed Starting Mix for best germination results.