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World's Smallest Tomato Seeds

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World's Smallest Tomato
SKU: TM142-20
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Availability: In stock
Your price: $3.50
Cherry Tomato
Early Season Tomato
Indeterminate Tomato
New Lower Price
Non Treated Seeds
Non-GMO Variety
65 days. Solanum lycopersicum. Open Pollinated. World's Smallest Tomato. The early maturing plant produces heavy yields of tiny ¼ oz red tomatoes. They are very sweet and flavorful. Perfect for salads, garnishes, or culinary creations. Ten tomatoes will fit on a spoon! One of the smallest tomatoes in the world. Kids love them! An excellent choice for home gardens. Indeterminate.

Lot No: R

Germination: 85%

Test Date: 04/24

Seeds Per Pound: 128,000

Plant Height: 48 to 60” tall

Planting Season: Spring

Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun

Planting Method: Indoor Sow

Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum

Seed DepthSoil Temp. for GerminationDays to GerminationSunlight RequirementsPlanting Time
1/4 to 1/2" 80 F to 85 F 7 to 14 daysFull Sun Spring
USDA Hardiness ZoneSeed SpacingRow SpacingSpace After ThinningDays to Harvest
N/A 1"48" 48"60 - 90 days
Tomato Seed Planting Information:

Tomato plants should be grown in a warm areas and receive plenty of sunlight, so choose a sunny spot in your garden. Relocate your tomato plants in different parts of your garden each year to avoid diseases. Optimum temperatures for growing tomatoes are between 80 and 85 degrees F. Plant your seeds indoors 10 to 12 weeks before setting outside. Use Miracle Gro Seed Starting Material for best germination results. We have tested other Seed Starting Mix and experienced poor germination rates. You may have to special order the Miracle Gro Seed Starting Potting Mix from your nursery, as it is hard to find it at many of the large home and garden centers. Do not add any soil, fertilizers, and other chemicals to seed starting material! Do not use jiffy peat pots, plugs, or potting soil, or cover the pots, as the soil may become too dry or too wet, which can lead to disease and fungus. Do not bottom water the seeds as this causes the seed starting material to become too wet and you will experience poor germination! We have experienced disease and low germination when using these types of products and covering the pots with plastic or covers. When seedlings are 4" tall, transplant them in larger pots. Plants should be at least 10" tall before transplanting outdoors. Place plants outdoors in shady area several days before transplanting outdoors. Shelter the transplants to prevent sunburn, wilting, and rain damage. Spring planting should occur when soil is warm, at least 3 weeks after last frost, and when temperatures remain above 70 degrees F. You can plant early if you use water towers. To prevent branches from breaking from the weight of tomatoes, use 5 to 6 ft tall cages. To tie plants to stakes, use soft strips of cloth. Check indeterminate plants regularly, and pinch off suckers and side branches where leaves join the stems. Plants can grow 1 to 6 ft tall.

Soil Requirements:

Requires fertile slightly acid soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply mulch and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant. Work the soil thoroughly before planting. Add well-rotted manure and compost.

Water Requirements:

Keep soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water well during dry and hot spells. Water in the morning only, on the side of the plants and not directly on the leaves.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Use RootBlast, Vegetable Alive, and Slow Release Fertilizer when transplanting outdoors. Apply Miracle Gro every two weeks.

Harvest Tips:

Harvest tomatoes when they are fully mature using a garden scissor so you don't damage the plant. Pick them as they mature to encourage new fruit to form. Remove any decayed tomatoes from the plant.

Growing Calendar
Indoor Germination Temperature: 80 to 85 F
Minimum Outdoor Temperature: Above 70 F
Start Indoors Transplant Start Outdoors Start Indoors Fall Transplant Fall Start Outdoors Fall Multiple Crops
Seed Depth: ¼” to ½“
Days to Germination: 7 to 14 days
Plant Spacing: 48”
Row Spacing: 48”
Sunlight Requirement: Full sun

Days to Harvest after Planting Outdoors: Early Season Tomato: 60 to 65 days Mid-Season Tomato: 70 to 75 days Late Season Tomato: 85 to 90 days

USDA Hardiness Zone: 2 to 11

Use Miracle-Gro© Seed Starting Mix for best germination results.

5.0 4
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Guest | 9/21/2023 12:49 AM
The second year of growing these and they are prolific and delicious! I harvest about 5 pounds (!) a day off two plants (I grow them in straw bales). So far in 2023, I have canned 24 pints of tomato sauce and it is wonderful! Love these and as the tomatoes are indeed small, the vines are huge (18-20 feet when stretched out). Highly recommended! You can see my pictures on my FB page.
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Guest | 7/21/2020 9:07 PM
My wife and I got some. These are so small but wonderful. My son (5) loves to grab these. I'm not a fan of any tomatoes larger than 'grape' because I like my tomatoes to be cooked with the food. These little ones will rupture in the oven and lose some juice but that juice is liquid gold so if that is what you are doing, save it! I am actually typing this while enjoying a dish in front of me, composed of eggs, cheese, chorizo, grits, and these little marble sized wonders. One more thing to note... since spring, when they started coming, we have not had one tomato even come close to the size of a paintball. These things are tiny.
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Guest | 7/21/2020 9:07 PM
My wife and I got some. These are so small but wonderful. My son (5) loves to grab these. I'm not a fan of any tomatoes larger than 'grape' because I like my tomatoes to be cooked with the food. These little ones will rupture in the oven and lose some juice but that juice is liquid gold so if that is what you are doing, save it! I am actually typing this while enjoying a dish in front of me, composed of eggs, cheese, chorizo, grits, and these little marble sized wonders. One more thing to note... since spring, when they started coming, we have not had one tomato even come close to the size of a paintball. These things are tiny.
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Guest | 8/10/2016 3:41 AM
Plants get as tall as regular cherry tomato plants. It produce many small tomatoes. Tomatoes are small but you can harvest many so it's fun! Kids love them.
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