Azur Star Kohlrabi Seeds
Azur Star Kohlrabi KO14-50

Azur Star Kohlrabi Seeds

Loyalty Points: 75
SKU KO14-50
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$4.00 $3.75
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Country Of Origin: Switzerland Switzerland
Planting Instructions
Disease Resistant
Customer Reviews
48 days. Brassica oleracea. Open Pollinated. Azur Star Kohlrabi. The plant produces good yields of tender Kohlrabi bulbs. Its blue leaves are tender and delicious. This is our best selling purple kohlrabi. The bulbs are crisp and very flavorful. The lilac purple bulbs never taste woody. even when the harvest is delayed never woody. They can be eaten raw, used to make coleslaw, cooked, or used in Hungarian soups. Drought Tolerant. Slow to bolt. Perfect for open field production and greenhouse production. An excellent choice for home gardens, greenhouses, market growers, and open field production. Disease Resistant: CR.

Lot No: R

Germination: 95%

Test Date: 06/24

Seeds Per Pound: 96,000

Plant Height: Roots: 2 to 4”/Leaves: 9 to 12” Tall

Planting Season: Spring/Fall

Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Planting Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow

Brassica oleracea - Gongylodes Group

Seed DepthSoil Temp. for GerminationDays to GerminationSunlight RequirementsPlanting Time
1/4"70 F to 85 F 6 to 9 daysPartial Shade / Full Sun Spring/Fall
USDA Hardiness ZoneSeed SpacingRow SpacingSpace After ThinningDays to Harvest
N/A 1"18"10"55 - 130 days

Kohlrabi do best in cool weather with abundant moisture to prevent the edible portion from becoming tough and woody. Plant your seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before setting outside. Spring planting should occur as soon as soil can be worked and after last frost, and fall planting done in June, July, or August. Plants grow 9 - 12" tall.

Soil Requirements:

Requires fertile soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant.

Water Requirements:

Water well during dry and hot spells.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Use RootBlast, Vegetable Alive, and Slow Release Fertilizer when transplanting outdoors. Periodically apply Miracle Gro twice per month.

Harvest Tips:

Harvest when bulbs are 3" in diameter.

CR – Clubroot

Scientific Name: Plasmodiophora brassicae

Type: Fungus


Clubroot is a world-wide fungal soil-borne disease that affects the growth of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, radishes, rutabaga, tomatoes, and turnips. This disease can cause severe crop yields and total crop loss. The fungus infects the plant through root hairs or wounds. Symptoms include wilting and yellowing of leaves. Young plants are stunted and may die. The roots are usually swollen and distorted (clubbed). The disease is spread by farm equipment, wind, and water. The infected plants should be removed and burned to avoid further infestation. The disease is favorable when temperatures are 54-81 F and usually occur when soil is moist. The disease is primarily associated with acid soils. Plan on using a 7 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year, as the disease can survive in the soil up to 20 years. Use proper weed control techniques. Proper tillage practices may be helpful in managing the disease. It is essential that hydrated lime be added each year to the soil unless the soil pH exceeds 7.5. Thoroughly clean equipment after working in a field. Plant crops in well drained soil. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.

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