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110 days. Beta vulgaris. Open Pollinated. Colossal Long Red Mangel. The plant produces giant 40 lb beets. It can grow up to 6 ft long. This giant beet contains less water and more sugar than any other variety. Try growing a giant beet for competitions or just for a good old fashioned gardener’s brag. Also known as Red Mammoth Mangel. These giant beets are valuable winter feed for sheep, poultry, and cattle. An excellent choice for home gardens and farmers.
Lot No: 230114
Germination: 85%
Test Date: 07/2023
Seeds Per Pound: 24,000
Plant Height: Leaves 12” Tall/Roots 24” long
Planting Season: Spring/Summer/Fall
Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun
Planting Method: Direct Sow
Beets do not do well in poor soil or clay soil, so prepare the soil by adding compost and manure. They thrive in cooler regions. Plant your seeds outdoors directly in the garden. Planting should occur as soon as soil can be worked and 1 week after last frost. Plant in 2 to 3 weeks intervals for a steady harvest until about 2 months before first killing frost in the fall. Plants can grow 2" to 12" tall.
Requires loose fertile soil that is slightly alkaline in a well drained location in the garden. Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant.
Keep soil uniformly moist and from drying out.
Use RootBlast, Vegetable Alive, and Slow Release Fertilizer when transplanting outdoors. Periodically apply Miracle Gro.
Dig or pull roots when 2" or greater. You can harvest beets for greens at any time. Leave fall crop in the ground until needed or when soil begins to freeze.
Days to Harvest after Planting Outdoors: 45 to 55 days
Use Miracle-Gro© Seed Starting Mix for best germination results.