Hard Red Winter Wheat Cover Crop Seeds
Hard Red Winter Wheat Cover Crops CP2-200

Hard Red Winter Wheat Cover Crop Seeds

Loyalty Points: 55
SKU CP2-100
$3.00 $2.75
Availability: In Stock
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Customer Reviews
90 days. Triticum aestivum. Open Pollinated. Hard Red Winter Wheat Cover Crops. The plant produces excellent yields of Red Winter Wheat. The Hard Red Winter Wheat is one of the most productive and beneficial cover crops for home gardens. It is grown in late fall, from August to September, and mowed to revitalize poor soil. It adds nitrogen and breaks up heavily compacted soils. Sow as early as possible in the fall for spring harvest. A variety from the USA.

Seeding Rate: 7 lbs per 1,000 square feet, 120 lbs per acre

Lot No: 188881

Germination: 97%

Test Date: 06/24

Seeds Per Pound: 8,000

Plant Height: 1 to 3 ft tall.

Sunlight: Full Sun

Planting Instructions: Plant seeds 1 ½" deep.

Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general-purpose fertilizer when preparing soil.

Germination: 7 - 12 days

Tips: Use Herbs Alive and RootBlast for larger plants and higher yields.

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