Mother of Thyme Seeds
Thyme (Mother of Thyme) HB146-100_Base

Mother of Thyme Seeds

Loyalty Points: 75
SKU HB146-100
$4.00 $3.75
Availability: In Stock
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Customer Reviews
95 days. Thymus serphyllum. Perennial. Open Pollinated. Mother of Thyme. This spreading plant produces high yields of thick aromatic dark green Thyme leaves. Purple flowers appear in early summer. Used in salads, rice, and fish dishes. Medicinal herb used to treat sore throats, coughs, and mucus congestion. Also used as tea and massage oil. This is a winter hardy variety. Makes a good filler between pathway steps or at the front of the border. A sweet fragrance is released when it is walked upon. Cold Tolerant. Also known as Brotherwort Thyme, Wild Thyme, and Creeping Thyme. An excellent choice for home gardens.

Lot No: 1831568

Germination: 83%

Test Date: 06/24

Seeds Per Pound: 2,750,000

Plant Height: 3 to 5" tall

Sunlight: Partial Shade/Full Sun

Planting Instructions: Sprinklr seeds, do not cover seeds.

Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil. Do not overwater.

Germination: 12-28 days at 60°F

Tips: Use Herbs Alive and RootBlast for larger plants and higher yields.

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