FW – Fusarium Wilt
Scientific Name: Fusarium oxysporum
Type: Fungus
Fusarium Wilt is a fungal disease that affects the growth of cantaloupes & melons, cauliflower, eggplants, peas, peppers, squash, tomatoes, and watermelons. It is one of the most devastating of all soil-borne diseases. It attacks the roots of the plants and moves up the stems. Symptoms include stunting and wilting. Plants don’t always die, but it slows growth and reduces yields. Infected seedlings will damping off, wilt, and die. If you stick with fusarium wilt resistant tomato varieties you don’t have to worry. Many of the older heirlooms don’t have any resistance to the disease, so if you grow these then you should keep an eye out for it. The infected plants should be removed to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year, as the disease can survive in the soil for 7 years. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.
PEMV – Pea Enation Mosaic Virus
Type: Virus - Enamovirus
Pea Enation Mosaic Virus is a disease that affects the growth of peas. Symptoms include bright yellow mosaic on the leaves. downward leaf rolling, blistering, severe stunting of the plants. Pods are distorted, split open, shows enations and contain few, if any, seeds. The virus can cause substantial crop loss and complete crop loss. The virus is transmitted by aphids and is not transmitted by seeds. The virus survives for long periods in infected weeds. Mild winter temperatures favor survival of the virus, thus the disease can be greater the following spring. The infected plants should be removed and burned to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year. Insecticides for aphids can control the disease. Predators, like lady bugs, can be used to prevent an outbreak of the virus. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.
PM – Powdery Mildew
Scientific Name: Erysiphe betae
Type: Fungus
Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects the growth of beets, cantaloupes & melons, cucumbers, peas, squash, Swiss chard, and tomatoes. The fungal disease may cause poor growth of the fruits in cucumbers if the infection is severe. The leaves of the cucumber begin to wither and then fall off prematurely. The disease usually affects older leaves. The leaves tend to turn a light green or a yellow green when infected. A powdery white or light gray color mold appears on the underside of the leaves. An odor similar to that of a musty basement is noticeable in fields with severe powdery mildew. The disease can spread rapidly under favorable conditions and infect the entire leaves within a week. The disease is favorable with long periods of dry weather, warm days, and cool nights, and fluctuations of day/night temperatures. The most favorable temperatures are 54-81 F and usually occur in early spring and autumn when moisture and humidity are very high. The disease can spread rapidly and can infect a field within 5 days. Fungicides for powdery mildew can help manage the disease. Good air circulation and increasing space between the plants can help control and prevent the disease. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.
PSV – Pea Streak Virus
Type: Virus - Carlavirus
Pea Streak Virus is a disease that affects the growth of peas. It is primarily found in Northwestern (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) and Midwestern (Minnesota and Wisconsin) parts of the of the United States. Symptoms include dark brown or purple streaking of the stems, pale and mottled leaves, wilting and dying off of the leaves, of plant tips, severe stunting, and the death of the plant. The pods may be spotted and distorted, purple-brown, and do not develop seeds. The virus can cause substantial crop loss and complete crop loss. The virus is transmitted by aphids and is not transmitted by seeds. The virus survives for long periods in infected alfalfa. Mild winter temperatures favor survival of the virus, thus the disease can be greater the following spring. The infected plants should be removed and burned to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year. Avoid planting peas near alfalfa and removing red clover plants in the field. Insecticides for aphids can control the disease. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.
RCVMV – Red Clover Vein Mosaic Virus
Type: Virus - Carlavirus
Red Clover Vein Mosaic Virus is a disease that affects the growth of peas. It is primarily found in United States, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Symptoms include vein mosaic, streaking on stems and leaves, veins turning yellow or white, stunting, and the death of the plant. The pods may be distorted. The virus can cause substantial crop loss and complete crop loss. The virus is transmitted by aphids. The virus survives for long periods in infected plant debris. Mild winter temperatures favor survival of the virus, thus the disease can be greater the following spring. The infected plants should be removed and burned to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year. Avoid planting peas near alfalfa and removing red clover plants in the field. Insecticides for aphids can control the disease. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.