I bought one beef master plant at a green house . . . about a 1 inch stalk, 18 inches tall and with 1 set of blooms already formed. Planted late April and had the first tomato before July 4. In another 2 weeks we had many more and could begin to share with family and finally with friends as well. By mid-July my husband had to BUILD a cage with wood 8 ft tall and c-clamped to our fence. It outgrew that and we began tying it to fences in other areas of the yard. (One could get strangled going through the string maze!) The plant took about a 2 week respite and then began producing prolifically again. The vine finally grew back to the ground. Last Tuesday (October 26 because frost was threatening) we finally took it down. We filled 3 packed 32 gallon garbage cans with the vine and harvested the last 50 lbs . . . both red and green. I think we must have had a crop of at least 150 lbs and how many actual tomatoes, who knows. I've made green tomato relish and will now try my hand at frying some along with ripening the green ones. I'm sure that I bored my friends bragging over this plant. The best part is that we live on a very small lot with only one choice to put a plant that needs a lot of sun. The real topper is that it never received any fertilizer all summer long.