Protein Powerhouse Mix Sprouting Seeds
Protein Powerhouse Mix Sprouting Seeds SS12-50

Protein Powerhouse Mix Sprouting Seeds

Loyalty Points: 55
SKU SS12-100
$3.00 $2.75
Availability: In Stock
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Customer Reviews
2 to 4 days. Mixed. Open Pollinated. Protein Powerhouse Mix Sprouting Seeds. The plant produces high quality Garbanzo Sprouting Beans. Protein Powerhouse Mix includes four of the most protein rich sprouting seeds, including the Adzuki, Garbanzo, Green Peas, and Mung Beans. The sprouts are sweet, crisp, and crunchy, and have a nutty flavor. It is high in protein, fiber, iron, potassium, and essential vitamins. It is also one of the best tasting mixes available. Excellent in salads, soups, and other Asian dishes. A ½ cup of seed yields approximately 2 cups of sprouts. A variety from the USA.

Lot No: 201263-OG

Germination: 94%

Test Date: 06/24

Seeds Per Pound: 4,000

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