Roman Chamomile Seeds
Roman Chamomile HB23-100

Roman Chamomile Seeds

Loyalty Points: 75
SKU HB23-100
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$4.00 $3.75
Availability: Out Of Stock
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Country Of Origin: Mediterranean Sea Region Mediterranean Sea Region
Customer Reviews
65 days. Chamaemelum nobile. Perrenial. Open Pollinated. Roman Chamomile. The plant produces high yields of daisy-like flowers with an apple flavor. It is known calming effect; both on the body and mind. It is used fresh and dried to make great flavored relaxing tea, desserts, drinks, perfumes, and hair rinses. Aids in digestion and digestive pain, and acts as a gentle sleep inducer. Because of the herb's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile benefits conditions such as eczema, rashes, or insect bites. Hot tea eliminates mucus buildup. When added to a hot bath, it aids in muscle pain relief. The dried flowers and leaves also make an addition to the potpourri. Used as a ground cover for filling spaces between flagstones, cracks, and paths. An excellent choice for home gardens. A variety from the Mediterranean region.

Lot No: 591H

Germination: 98%

Test Date: 11/23

Seeds Per Pound: 3,000,000

Plant Height: 1 ft tall.

Sunlight: Partial Shade/Sun

Planting Instructions: Sprinkle seeds on soil.

Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil.

Germination: 10 - 14 days at 60°F

Tips: Use Herbs Alive and RootBlast for larger plants and higher yields.

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