MD A30 Tobacco Seeds
Tobacco (MD A30) TB18-100

MD A30 Tobacco Seeds

Loyalty Points: 315
SKU TB18-100
$16.00 $15.75
Availability: In Stock
Country Of Origin: USA USA
Customer Reviews
65 days. Nicotiana tabacum. Open Pollinated. MD A30 Tobacco. The plant produces high yields of quality tobacco leaves. This Maryland Tobacco has good disease resistance to mosaic virus and blank shank. It averages 24 leaves per plant. Try growing tobacco. Seeds are very tiny. A variety from the USA.

Lot No: R

Germination: 85%

Test Date: 05/24

Seeds Per Pound: 6,000,000

Plant Height: 4 feet tall

Planting Season: Spring

Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun

Planting Method: Indoor Sow

Planting Instructions: Sprinkle seeds on top of seed starting mix, then firm the soil surface to insure good seed to soil contact. Irrigate with a very fine spray. Do not overwater!

Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil.

Germination: 12-18 days at 75°F to 85°F.

Tips: Use RootBlast for larger plants and higher yields.

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