Nufar Basil Seeds
Nufar Basil HB111-100

Nufar Basil Seeds

Loyalty Points: 75
SKU HB111-100
$4.00 $3.75
Availability: In Stock
Disease Resistant
Customer Reviews
75 days. Ocimum basilicum. Annual. (F1) Nufar Basil. The plant produces good yields of 4" long basil leaves. This is the first fusarium resistant variety of basil. Used in sauces, salads, and Italian dishes. Suitable for greenhouse, hydroponic, and field production. A variety from the USA. Disease Resistant: FW.

Lot No: 67379

Germination: 85%

Test Date: 06/24

Seeds Per Pound: 320,000

Plant Height: 2 ft tall.

Sunlight: Partial Shade

Planting Instructions: Plant seeds ¼" deep.

Soil Facts: Requires a well prepared soil. Use general purpose fertilizer when preparing soil.

Germination: 12-18 days

Tips: Use Herbs Alive and RootBlast for larger plants and higher yields.

FW – Fusarium Wilt

Scientific Name: Fusarium oxysporum

Type: Fungus

Fusarium Wilt is a fungal disease that affects the growth of cantaloupes & melons, cauliflower, eggplants, peas, peppers, squash, tomatoes, and watermelons. It is one of the most devastating of all soil-borne diseases. It attacks the roots of the plants and moves up the stems. Symptoms include stunting and wilting. Plants don’t always die, but it slows growth and reduces yields. Infected seedlings will damping off, wilt, and die. If you stick with fusarium wilt resistant tomato varieties you don’t have to worry. Many of the older heirlooms don’t have any resistance to the disease, so if you grow these then you should keep an eye out for it. The infected plants should be removed to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year, as the disease can survive in the soil for 7 years. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.

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